Unite the many to defeat the few!
This is a Peoples’ Campaign for residents of CD8 in South L.A., of greater Los Angeles, and for all progressive and democratic forces to join on the front lines of struggle.
Peoples’ Democracy, not paper democracy!
The 8th District, like America, is in a crisis of danger and opportunity. Costs are rising, wages are flat, democracy is under attack. We need to fight for Peoples’ Democracy, majority rule and community control, to unite the many and defeat the few. Where South Central goes, the nation will follow!

The city’s gonna change hands!
Workers’ Rights
We all deserve jobs with living wages, fair labor conditions, and union protections!
Affordable Housing
We demand no further displacement or loss of affordable housing!
Community Control Over the Police
We must establish an all-elected, all-civilian, police control board with full authority over the department!
Real Democracy
We demand full voting rights for immigrants and expanding democracy to the entire working class!